Two new house rules for you.

Magic Item Distribution
There was a minor issue about magic items last night, and after thinking about it I've created a new house rule.

As you all have noticed I tend to provide detailed treasure listings outside of the game session (via this blog and email), a system which is working quite well (IMHO).

Now, when there are multiple items, players have two options: they can either
(a) work out "who gets what" via an email or blog discussion, or
(b) "roll-off" for the items at the next session.

In the case of a "roll-off" the players who are present at the next session are the ones who get to roll off for the available magic items. Absent players get whatever is left.

Last night I cancelled the "roll-off" because two of the three players entitled to the items were absent. In hindsight I regret this decision - I am effectively failing to properly reward the players who did turn up.

So in light of this new decision, Chris now gets to choose his preferred item from the list I sent out last week, and TIna and Adam will get to roll off next session for what remains (assuming they are both present).

Accessing Town Services
Some players have asked if they would have had the opportunity to buy items in Nerris, despite the fact that I did not appear to allocate any time for this. The answer is yes,

So the second new house rule is this: 
Except when you are specifically told otherwise, all players can assume that all towns which are named on the nation maps (eg Deepwyn, Nerris, Taer Mun) are able to provide all standard services/purchases, and that the players will have time to take advantage of them. Hence as you recently passed through Nerris, you are free to go shopping and trade/buy items, etc. This means that you can do these activities out of session time (I appreciate being kept informed however).

For towns which are not identified on the maps (eg Sarvern, the home of Yoogart), you must ask me what services (if any) are available.

If there are any questions, leave a comment.
23/9/2010 04:59:20 pm

Yay.. Ok, the other thing I think we should define considering access to the shops is a flat 20% sell price for mundane items as is used in the character builder. For example, I assume that I can sell my used non-magical great sword worth 30gp for 6gp.

And remember when buying magical stuff folks that you can only use one magical item daily power per day at levels 1 to 10 so for example, if I obtained a magical armor and sword both with a daily power, I can only use one of them per day until level 11.

Can't wait for next time, and keep up the good work all!

23/9/2010 07:17:19 pm

Re the 20% - I'm absolutely fine with that.

27/9/2010 11:56:56 am

How much do I get if I sell another player's stuff in town?

27/9/2010 01:57:36 pm

Less than 12 parsecs.


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