The Nation of Lor

The campaign begins in the nation of Lor, in the town of Nerris. To the left is the heraldic symbol of the Nation of Lor. The players do not know its meaning. One popular belief is that it represents the Sky, the Earth and the twin moons of Yerth, although just as many people dismiss that explanation.

Lor is a Ducal Monarchy, ruled by Duke Pylas who resides in Taer Mun (also the largest city in Lor).

Until very recently Lor was at war with Nuz, although you do not know exactly why or who started it. You have never heard anyone mention any particular incident which prompted the outbreak of war either. Everything you have ever heard indicates that Nuz is fairly similar to Lor in terms of culture, racial makeup, and overall degree of civilisation - again indicating there is no obvious reason as to why war broke out. The war lasted for over five years.

All of the players have been affected by the war at least indirectly - each player character was trained in the military academies of Taer Mun with a view to being sent into combat. The war ended before that was possible however.

Lor (major towns)


Lor (geography)
